Things To Know About Anti-Mullerian Hormone
Anti-Mullerian hormone is a glycoprotein hormone that is responsible for folliculogenesis and growth differentiation. This hormone is needed for ovulation, high quality of eggs and easy penetrating of sperm into the ovum. Check these website facts or meet experts there to find whether this hormone is available in sufficient amounts in your body system or not.
AMH level – an indicator of ovarian reserve
When you want to be on the road to motherhood, you require a sufficient amount of ovarian reserve in the body. AMH levels in the blood test indicate the condition of ovarian reserve. The level of this hormone in a fertile woman reads between 1.0-4.0ng/ml. Less than 1.0ng/ml of AMH indicated depleted ovarian reserve. It can correspond to sub-fertile to completely infertile state of woman too.
Role of AMH hormone
AMH hormone is responsible for the development of male and female reproductive organs according to the gender. The AMH hormone in males is responsible for the development of testicles; while in women, it helps develop the ovaries and boosts production of eggs. This hormone will inhibit the development of female reproductive system in males and vice versa. Thus, it is responsible for development of gender-based reproductive features in the body.
What do high and low level of AMH mean
High AMH does not mean excess fertility. In fact, it can be elevated in case of the people suffering from polycystic ovarian syndrome. The success of IVF cycles, also, can be predicted with the help of high AMH level. Low AMH level indicates poor fertility.
Ways to increase AMH levels
Though there is no direct connection found, but women who lost weight found the increase in AMH levels. Vitamin D deficiency also causes the diminishing in AMH. Thus, giving injection therapy to regulate vitamin D levels in the body has also provided effective measure for increasing the AMH.
This is why; AMH level test is one of the medical assessments suggested by the fertility specialists to the women who are planning motherhood.
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