Important Things to Note About CBD Before Buying
Alternative medicine for various illnesses, including terminal ones, are getting increasingly popular in many parts of the world, and one celebrated treatment is the use of Cannabidiol, more known as CBD or CBD oil. You may have heard about it from viral videos of children experiencing epileptic seizures, who immediately reverted to their normal state after being treated with CBD.
Because of the increasing claims about CBD being more effective than modern medicine, several profound kinds of research about it have been done, and still currently being observed. As of now, the FDA has approved only one CBD product, which is the prescription drug proven to treat two rare forms of epilepsy.
Legality is also an issue. Many Asian countries still ban the use of it, while in America, it is mostly legal, but reservations exist.
It is also important to know that not all CBD products are made equal, hence researching is crucial before buying it. In this article, we’ve laid down all the proven facts and myths about the controversial treatment, so you can consider this as your credible guide before obtaining CBD.
FACT: More Research is needed.
The world’s understanding of CBD is still limited, but thankfully, significant research is progressively practiced, which helps in pushing for CBD to become a legitimate form of treatment.
In Canada, European countries, and other industrialized nations, the position on CBD is ambiguous and confusing, so consulting the right agencies is a must if you’re from those places before buying any CBD product. Referring to the World Health Organization’s detailed research on CBD will greatly help as well.
MYTH: It makes people high.
CBD is a non-psychotropic extract from the cannabis plant, so taking it won’t make you high. The extract that induces a psychotropic effect is THC, which is also found in CBD, but in very low concentrations. (0.03% – 0) Look for THC-free CBD products if you’re being drug-tested at work or school.
FACT: Scientific research has proven that it can help cure cancer.
A study done at Columbia University tested the effects of CBD on glioblastoma, the most common kind of cancerous brain tumor. The results found that CBD could kill the cancer cells and boost the radiosensitivity of glioblastoma, without affecting the healthy cells.
However, the study doesn’t necessarily indicate that CBD is the cure for cancer, or for any other disease, for that matter. Rather, it’s a contribution to continuous researches, proving that the medical industry is doing their part in making CBD fully accepted.
MYTH: CBD is a scam.
The growing trend of CBD prompted the wellness industry to release some cosmetic products laced with the substance, gaining their market’s attention, which is exactly what they’re after. As such, some people may believe that the wellness industry is scamming the consumers, but this is not the case at all.
While there might really be illegitimate sources of CBD products, those don’t include registered cosmetic companies. To avoid being scammed, ask your city’s trusted cannabidiol retailer how they grow and produce their products. Retailers have to be transparent about their production processes to prove themselves credible and trustworthy.
FACT: It needs to be taken in certain doses.
For CBD to work, a certain dose may be required, which depends on your needs, the product you take, and your body’s response to the treatment. The recommended initial dose 5 – 10 mg; you can increase it as your body gets accustomed.
Note that despite the milestones the treatment has already achieved, it still has a long way to go before being a mainstream form of treatment. Hence, even if you’ve already researched via the internet, it’s still important to consult your doctor first and foremost before using CBD.
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